Dental Extractions
in Algonquin, IL

When necessary, tooth extractions provide numerous benefits. Depending on your unique situation, they can relieve pain, safeguard your remaining teeth, or even allow for orthodontic treatments to align your smile. And while it is a relatively simple procedure, it is common to feel anxious before having a tooth extracted. Dr. Reddy of Smile Aesthetix Dental has performed numerous tooth extractions over the years and makes the procedure quicker and easier than you may expect. You can count on her for outstanding, gentle care.

Why Would You Need to Have a Tooth Extracted?

Near you at Smile Aesthetix Dental, we never spare any effort to maintain your natural teeth. However, extracting a damaged tooth is sometimes our only viable option. Here’s a look at some of the most common reasons Dr. Reddy may recommend having one or more of your teeth extracted:

  • Severe Tooth Decay: If a tooth is damaged beyond repair, an infected tooth extraction might be necessary. We may recommend extracting the tooth and replacing it with a dental implant or bridge to prevent further complications.
  • Advanced Periodontal (Gum) Disease: If a tooth has lost its support and became loose due to advanced periodontal disease, extracting it may be the only viable option.
  • Trauma: If damage resulting from injury or an accident cannot be repaired, an emergency dental extraction might be required. We may need to remove the affected tooth to relieve your pain and safeguard the remaining teeth.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: Selective tooth extractions are sometimes necessary as a component of an orthodontic treatment plan to make the space needed to align your smile.
  • Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth are notorious for causing problems, including being impacted or trapped below the jawline, often necessitating a molar extraction to prevent damage to the surrounding teeth.

Here is a look at what to expect during and after the extraction procedure:

During the Procedure: Dr. Reddy will examine the area and take digital images to assess the location and condition of your tooth. She will also take your medical history and ask you about any medications you are taking. Depending on your needs, you may require a simple or surgical extraction.

The procedure starts with numbing the area using local anesthesia for your comfort. If the tooth is visible and accessible, you will need a simple extraction. Dr. Reddy will use specialized dental instruments to loosen the affected tooth and gently remove it. If the tooth is impacted, weak, or fractured below the gum line, you will need a surgical extraction. Dr. Reddy may need to make a small incision in the gum tissue to access and remove the affected tooth.

After the Procedure: Dr. Reddy will place a gauze pad over the extraction site to help stop bleeding. You will bite down on the gauze for about 30-45 minutes to allow a blood clot to form. Dr. Reddy may also prescribe pain medication for use as necessary.

It is important to avoid smoking, drinking through a straw, or rinsing vigorously for at least 24 hours after having a tooth pulled. Otherwise, you risk dislodging the blood clot forming in the tooth’s socket, often leading to a painful complication known as dry socket. If you have any concerns, make sure to contact our office.

Dental Extractions Near Me

If you have a damaged or painful tooth, contact Smile Aesthetix Dental to schedule a consultation. We will do everything possible to restore the affected tooth to its form and function. If, however, extracting one or more teeth is your best option, you can trust Dr. Reddy and her team for outstanding, gentle care. We invite you to call 224-278-8282 to schedule your appointment or request one online today.

Proudly serving patients in Algonquin, IL, and the surrounding communities nearby.

Dental Extractions Near Me

If you have a damaged or painful tooth, contact Smile Aesthetix Dental to schedule a consultation. We will do everything possible to restore the affected tooth to its form and function. If, however, extracting one or more teeth is your best option, you can trust Dr. Reddy and her team for outstanding, gentle care. We invite you to call 224-278-8282 to schedule your appointment or request one online today.

Proudly serving patients in Algonquin, IL, and the surrounding communities nearby.